People Have Many Options Now When It Is About Choosing Aligners
When you get your teeth aligned, a set of tiny, transparent aligners called Invisalign are made to fit over the top and bottom teeth. The orthodontist will provide a patient many sets of aligners to wear during the course of their anticipated treatment if they so choose. For many years, the only option available to dental patients for straightening their teeth was traditional wire braces. Wire braces may seem heavy and too noticeable to certain people. Fortunately, there is another choice! Orthodontic patients have had access to Invisalign. Similar to how metal Teeth braces Bakersfield function, each pair of aligners in a full set applies gentle pressure to your teeth over time, gradually straightening your smile and adjusting your bite. However, the biggest distinction with Invisalign is the lack of any wires, brackets, or elastics. A popular brand of a dental alignment tool is Invisalign. If you are a candidate for this procedure, you will wear aligners for anywhere...